Chicago Elite (CE): We need stricter national gun control laws.
Joe Redneck (JR): Why? Gun related deaths are way down in the USA.
CE: Too many kids are being killed!
JR: But that's just in Chicago and a few other large cities.
CE: That's because guns are too easy to get in Chicago.
JR: But Chicago has the toughest gun restrictions in the country.
CE: The guns are bought in near by states with loose gun laws and brought into Chicago. That's why we need stricter national gun control laws..
JR: So, you're saying that loose gun laws in Missouri are making guns easy to get in Chicago which causes Chicago kids to be killed?
CE: Yes
JR: So, you're saying that loose gun laws cause kids to be killed?
CE: I just said that. Weren't you listening?
JR: Just wanted to be sure I understood you. So you say loose gun laws in Missouri cause kids to get killed in Chicago which has tough gun laws. So why don't loose gun laws in Missouri cause kids to be killed in Missouri?
All rational folks are waiting for an answer.
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