Thursday, July 4, 2013

Progressive Agenda Exposed

Sure as the sun coming up Obama exposed the Progressive agenda on his African Aggrandizement Tour. 

And, it is not what ordinary folks think progressive means.

Progressives desire a world they control. A world where they have all power. A world which does not threaten them. A simple world. Pol Pot was a Progressive. The Agrarian Myth seduces them. Of course THEY aren't interested on living on a farm - that's for the masses.

Their rational for reducing the population, reducing education, reducing energy availability, reducing mobility, reducing freedom changes from generation to generation: Over population, Global cooling, lack of water, running out of oil, global warming. As each lie is exposed they choose another while never admitting that their previous propaganda was in error. 

They never quit. They are a covert drag on all human endeavor. They are the voice of failure, of defeat, of enslavement. Their siren call is something for nothing, no responsibility for behavior, reward without risk, food for free, cheap housing, ObamaCare. This too changes over the generations. But the bargain is always the same. Let me take care of you. Give up your freedom. Sell me your Soul.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Psychological Basis for Boston Bombers and American Jihadests

FOX News show Happening Now interviewed Dr. Speckhard at 11:45 today (April 23, 2013). Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School. Among her accomplishments is a book entitled "Talking to Terrorists: Understanding the Psycho-Social Motivations of Militant Jihadi Terrorists, Mass Hostage Takers, Suicide Bombers, and Martyrs.”

She was one of the few “experts” I’ve seen interviewed by media folks that appeared credible.

Of special note was her recounting of an interview of one of the Boston Marathon bomber’s kindergarten teachers. Dr Speckhard said she listened to the interview in Russian and gleaned some relevant information. 

The teacher stated that Tamerlan reacted abnormally to sudden noises, fire crackers, and the like. From this information and other statements Dr Speckhard concluded that Tamerlan was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

This is particularly relevant not just because it provides insight into Tamerlan’s mental state but because it also provides insight into the mental state of his younger brother.

One of the correlations discovered among US soldiers serving in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is that PTSD correlates highly with childhood trauma – especially child abuse. Thus it is highly likely that Tamerlan experienced child abuse. This would be abuse within his family.

An abusing family environment is especially injurious when a child also experiences other trauma outside the family such as extreme poverty, racial or cultural discrimination, or war. Certainly Tamerlan’s family experienced both war and ethnic discrimination. Interviews with Tamerlan’s aunt reveled intense emotional scaring caused by their treatment as ethnic outsiders in both Russia and in Dagestan. Dagestan apparently treats ethnic Chechens poorly.

Another fact, well known by psychologists, is that if one child is abused within a family it is likely that other children are also abused – especially a child of the same gender. Therefore, Dzokhar Tamerlan, the younger brother, is likely to have also experienced abuse.

Now we have both the basis for the vulnerability of both men to radicalization and also a basis for a strong link between them.

The above traumas are in addition to ethnic Chechen Muslim religious practices which may be viewed by Christian cultured Westerners as child abuse in itself.

In the midst of this mental turmoil, the family moved to the United States.

Even well educated Muslims find the United States an assault in many ways: culturally, religiously, ethnically, morally, and sensually. The diversity in peoples and cultures, especially of Boston and the Universities, provides little social consistency through which to engage their new country emotionally. These factors are likely to add to the men’s mental vulnerabilities.

Tamerlan‘s Mosque taught a version of his religion apparently more broadly accepting of different cultures. To someone who held cultural beliefs close as a defense against earlier trauma, the Mosque could have been a stressor rather than a refuge.

Tamerlan, older, with more trauma history and with less flexibility would have been the first to seek refuge in alternatives. There are rumors of drugs. There was a failed marriage. And finally, there was Jihad.
Pulling his younger, also vulnerable, brother into this final refuge for the hopeless seems almost inevitable.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Reinhart, Rogoff... and Herndon: The student who caught out the profs - or not.

Three of the tired old standards of leftist propaganda are straw men, false choices, and redefinition of words. This article uses two of these methods in the problem statement.

“Some key figures tackling the global recession found this paper a useful addition to the debate at the heart of which is this key question: is it best to let debt increase in the hope of stimulating economic growth to get out of the slump, or is it better to cut spending and raise taxes aggressively to get public debt under control?”

Clearly this is an example of “false choice.” And it’s a goodie.

First the author establishes the boundaries for the discussion by calling her false choice “this key question:” She actually uses “key” twice in the same sentence first by associating it with “figures tracking the global recession.” This provides authority to the word “key” which she exploits to lend weight to her false choice “question.” Clever.

The author then sets a contrast between two alternatives both of which are themselves straw men.

Let’s take the left side of the straw man choice: “let debt increase in the hope of stimulating economic growth”.

First, there are at least two ways to “let debt increase.”
1.       Balance the budget but do not repay debt so debt increases due to interest.
2.       Continue spending more than income which increases debt.

Note that in physical systems rate is as important as direction. And certainly in psychology we see not only rate effects but perception of rate having profound effects on behavior. Rate is not considered as an important component of debt by the author. Such subtleties are apparently far beyond the author’s grasp or, perhaps, cleverly ignored.

Second, the author implies with the statement “stimulating economic growth” that debt stimulates economic growth. This is a surprising statement. Perhaps the author means that government spending beyond income stimulates economic growth. This statement is a variant of Keynesian economics where government spending drives economic growth. But it is not what the author says.

One has to assume that “stimulating economic growth” does in fact cause the economy to grow. Many would argue that this is a false belief.

So, for the left side of the author’s false choice, we are presented with the novel economic idea that increasing a country’s debt will increase its economy.

Now to the right side straw man: “…cut spending and raise taxes aggressively to get public debt under control...”

Here the author combines two different, unrelated actions as if they were somehow simultaneously required. Clearly spending cuts are not a requirement for raising taxes. And, in the US, these two actions actually define the argument between Dimocrats and Republicans. 

Dimocrats want to raise taxes. Republicans want to cut spending. Yet the author lumps these contrasting approaches into a single alternate bucket with the expectation that readers won’t notice. 

At this point an informed reader should simply throw up their mental hands and stop reading. Certainly any discussion flowing from such a misintentioned, or misguided, opening statement is unlikely to shed light on any real problem.

But I will soldier on – for a while.

The author next makes this statement: “EU commissioner Olli Rehn and influential US Republican politician Paul Ryan have both quoted a 90% debt-to-GDP limit to support their austerity strategies.” Thus the author implies that Rehn and Ryan both support an “austerity strategy.”

The term “austerity” has been used just once previously in the article as: “case for austerity cuts”. “Austerity strategy” has not been defined by the author but its meaning is implied both by the initial association with “cuts” (as well as “error”) and by placement after the problem statement.

The author continues to misdirect, or bumble, by saying: “while US politicians were arguing over whether to inject more stimulus into the economy…”

In US English ‘whether’ is part of a contrast ‘whether or not’ or ‘where a or b’. This writer leaves the ‘b’ part hanging. Readers can fill in their own b part.

To wit: Whether to inject more stimulus or not; whether to inject more stimulus or decrease debt; whether to inject more stimulus or not go broke; whether to inject more stimulus or buy a motorcycle. 

The author continues into her intellectual abyss with the statement: “the euro was creaking under the strain of forced austerity.” 

Now this is certainly a statement based upon belief and not fact. The author doesn’t even attempt to justify the statement. And, for the liberal Keynesian True Believers, she doesn’t have to.

 Here I end analysis of the article. Interested, or ideological, readers can pursue additional examples of propaganda in the article but I will wander on to the next of many challenges created by Lefty Logic in the Media.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Surprise! Science "Proves" Life is Older than the Earth

By 2X!

An article in MIT Technology Review [which is based on Life Before Earth by Alexei A. Sharov and Richard Gordon ( )]  says that the evidence is clear. “Linear regression of genetic complexity (on a log scale) extrapolated back to just one base pair suggests the time of the origin of life = 9.7 ± 2.5 billion years ago..."
Since the Earth is only 4.5 billion years old, the authors and scientists in general are in a bit of a pickle. If their methodology is sound, one is left with the question, "Where then did life begin?" Apparently it wasn't on earth.
So just how did these well respected, at least until now, scientists dive into this particular pickle barrel?
Their diving board is the curious intersection of genetic evolution and computer development. Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore, described the trend of increasing complexity in integrated circuits in his 1965 paper. His paper stated that the number of components in integrated circuits had doubled every year from the invention of the integrated circuit in 1958 until 1965. He then predicted that the trend would continue "for at least ten years." This prediction became known as Moore’s Law. 
It's been about forty years beyond his predicted ten and his law still holds. There has continued to be an exponential increase in the number of transistors on microchips.
The MIT article states " if an observer today was to measure this rate of increase, it would be straightforward to extrapolate backwards and work out when the number of transistors on a chip was zero. In other words, the date when microchips were first developed in the 1960s." 
Applying the law in reverse (reverse extrapolation) does, in fact, provide the date of the first integrated circuits.
In a similar fashion one can apply the reverse extrapolation methodology to scientific publications. Using a known pair of dates, 1990 and 1960, one can determine the doubling rate.  Scientific publications doubled in number about every 15 years during that period. Using reverse extrapolation one can find the date for the origin of scientific publication. The date  is 1710. This is about the time of Isaac Newton - a reasonable date for the origin of scientific publication.
Having successfully applied this reverse extrapolation methodology to two deterministic domains, it seems reasonable to apply it to another.
Alexei Sharov at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore and Richard Gordon at the Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory in Florida, decided to apply the method to complexity and life.
They argue that they can measure the complexity of life and the rate at which it has increased. They use as their basis data from the development of life's complexity from prokaryotes to eukaryotes to complex animals such as worms, fish and eventually mammals. They state that the data produces a clear exponential increase identical to that behind Moore’s Law. Of course the doubling time is a bit longer than two years -  376 million years to be exact - well, if not exact, approximately 375 give or take a million or two.

Having this data they can reverse extrapolate the complexity of life. The results should give an origin data - plus or minus a few million or billion years.

Unfortunately for science, evolutionary biologists, and our intrepid researchers, the results are unsettling.  “Linear regression of genetic complexity (on a log scale) extrapolated back to just one base pair suggests the time of the origin of life = 9.7 ± 2.5 billion years ago...”

One attack on their finding is that it is unreasonable to assume the complexity of life has increased at the same rate throughout Earth’s history. Some argue that the early steps in the origin of life created complexity much more quickly than evolution does now. Thus, the timescale can be squeezed into the lifespan of the Earth.

According to the MIT article, "Sharov and Gorden reject this argument saying that it is suspiciously similar to arguments that squeeze the origin of life into the time span outlined in the biblical Book of Genesis." 

Ah, isn't it interesting to see the Intelligent Design skeptics hoisted on their own scientific petard? 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hypothetical Conversation with Chicago Elite about Gun Control

Chicago Elite (CE): We need stricter national gun control laws.

Joe Redneck (JR): Why? Gun related deaths are way down in the USA.

CE: Too many kids are being killed!

JR: But that's just in Chicago and a few other large cities.

CE: That's because guns are too easy to get in Chicago.

JR: But Chicago has the toughest gun restrictions in the country.

CE: The guns are bought in near by states with loose gun laws and brought into Chicago. That's why we need stricter national gun control laws..

JR: So, you're saying that loose gun laws in Missouri are making guns easy to get in Chicago which causes Chicago kids to be killed?

CE: Yes

JR: So, you're saying that loose gun laws cause kids to be killed?

CE: I just said that. Weren't you listening?

JR: Just wanted to be sure I understood you. So you say loose gun laws in Missouri cause kids to get killed in Chicago which has tough gun laws. So why don't loose gun laws in Missouri cause kids to be killed in Missouri?

All rational folks are waiting for an answer.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

How about a No Contest Divorce?

Our nation has a clear division between socialists and constitutionalists. 

The last time our country was so divided we had a civil war. 

This time can't we just stop using the federal government to bash bash each other? If we can't be civil at the federal level then why can't we peaceably choose our own futures and separate into two or three countries? 

The Progressive Socialist can have their blue state country based on redistribution and gun control and political correctness and oceans of paper money and welfare. 

The rest of us can have a red state country based on the US Constitution and personal freedom and respect for people and a hard currency and charity. 

I think that in ten years the economic differences and standard of living would be stunning. But I could be wrong. Why don't we find out in a peaceful way?

States and large cities could vote to choose their affiliation. Some gerrymandering would have to be done to accommodate blue cities in red states like Chicago in Illinois. Or noncontinuous borders would have to be accepted. There would be some personal hardship but nothing like that caused by civil war. 

The military should be allowed to choose affiliation and resources would then be divided based on personnel distribution. After all there isn't any point in having a carrier that can't be manned or planes with no pilots.

Federal resources and debt would be divided based strictly on population. Western states could sell off old federal lands and quickly be out of debt. Blue states would, of course, inflate their currency to pay off their debt.

Individual adults 21 years old and older would have a three year period in which to choose their affiliation. Children born before separation would have until age 21 to select a country.

A new political entity would be created called the City State. This entity would accommodate large cities which become geologically separated from their affiliated country. Reasonable access corridors or protected passage would have to be provided for such isolated entities. This would allow the personal, but not commercial, transportation of material prohibited in one country to be transported across the other country's territory with out penalty. Such material might consist of personal firearms, drugs for personal use, or food products.

Rather than act like children yelling and hitting each other lets act like adults and get an amicable divorce.     

Friday, April 5, 2013

Liberals and Racism are Inextricable - Latest Example

Another example of Liberals' racist agenda. They see everything through race colored glasses. 
To meet diversity goals Phoenix has recruited minority life guards who can't swim to work at pools w/ minority kids. Apparently it's OK if the minority kids drown.

What a minority parent never said: "Well, my kid did drown but at least a black or Hispanic life guard watched. Wouldn't want a white life guard to save my kid."
Do Phoenix Liberals really believe parents of ANY color prefer to have life guards of their own race when doing so puts their children at risk? No parent thinks like that. And Liberal parents wouldn't put THEIR kids at risk this way. Their kids are at some expensive private pool with life guards that are certified.
Liberals love applying their racist ideals to other people while they themselves are protected from the consequences.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Rep. Diana DeGette (D CO) Ignorance Exposed

Dimocrats sound increasingly stupid the longer they have their mouths open. 
Dimocrat Rep. Diana DeGette from Colorado, after having an audience laugh at her ignorance about firearm magazines, had her lackeys issue the following statement:

"The congresswoman has been working on a high-capacity assault magazine ban for years and has been deeply involved in the issue; she simply misspoke in referring to 'magazines' when she should have referred to 'clips,' which cannot be reused because they don't have a feeding mechanism," Johnson said.

Of course clips can be reused.
And BTW, a clip does have a "feeding mechanism." It is the human hand. Perhaps Dimocrats should consider banning hands.
She's been "working" on this legislation "for years" and "has been deeply involved" and STILL doesn't even know what a magazine is? 
How is this possible? Is she:
1. Really Really dumb?
2. Completely uninvolved in her own legislation?
3. Reliant on staff who are really, really dumb?
4. A brainless puppet of the Dimocrat Party
Whichever of the above are true there is an additional factor to consider. By making such idiotic statements in public, she must:
1. Believe she is smarter and more knowledgeable than her audience
2. Think her audience is really, really dumb.
Whatever the causes of her amazing ignorance and stunning hubris, her election to congress is even more astounding. She is a reflection of the voters in her district. One must assume that they are as ignorant as she. And, that they don't mind being embarrassed in front of the entire nation.